
UDK Render Presentation Poster

A hi-res presentation render of my Jeep asset and diorama taken in UDK.

I edited the image levels becuse the original was poster was too dark.


UDK Level

I imported my texture maps and Jeep asset into the UDK content browser. I also imported my diorama scene and duplicated it to create a level to roam in.
I used the material editor to texture my Jeep and other assets. This included a spec map for the Jeep shell.
As you can see I used a additive level and built a platform to place my diorama on.I used UDK to add collision to the assets. With the walls though, I created a collision mesh in Maya as it was more specific collision I wanted. I wanted the user to be able to get clos to the wall, but not be able to jump over it.

When it came to lighting the scene I wanted an evening scene, so I selected the skydome with a sunset texture. This helped with selecting the right lighting. Which included using an orange light for the front to help show the sunset seen on the skydome texture.

A quick screenshot of level in game.


Diorama Renders

Here are some Maya mental ray render shots of my Jeep & diorama with a quick lighting experiment.


Textured Jeep / Diorama

Here are some screenshots of the Jeep and diorama fully textured.


Jeep + Diorama Maps / Texture References

Here are the texture maps for the Jeep and diorama. I used photographs of my own textures I had taken as well as sourced from online. I also painted the mud effect for the Jeep using the brushes in Photoshop.
1024 x 1024


1024 x 1024

1024 x 1024
I also had a go at creating a specular map in Photoshop (using a video tutorial) for the Jeep shell for when I import it into UDK.

Texture References



Jeep + Environment UV

The UV maps for the jeep model and environment.

Here is a revised UV maps for the Jeep add-ons


Environment Model

Here is the model I have created for the environment. As you can see there is a broken building which will surround the jeep. I have included some extra detail with some sandbags and sign post, as well as some broken wood coming out of the wall.

With both models complete, I will now focus on mapping the models.